The Faculty has granted permission to the Musical Clubs for a western trip to be taken during the Christmas recess. The present plan is for the clubs to take an alternate western and southern trip, every other year, thus visiting the same section every fourth year. This year's trip will be the first since the southern trip of 1912-13.
Nine cities are at present on the scheduled route, viz., Syracuse, Cleveland, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati and Detroit. It is possible that a dual concert with Yale will be held in Cincinnati and one with the University of Michigan in Detroit, as the clubs from these Universities have concerts scheduled in these cities at about the same time, but no definite arrangements have as yet been completed.
Fifty-three men will make the trip, travelling in two pullmans accompanied by a special baggage car. Fifty of these will be chosen from the Glee, Mandolin and Banjo Clubs, while two managers, and a coach will complete the party. The clubs will leave Cambridge on Tuesday afternoon, December 22, not returning until Sunday evening, January 3.
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