The committee on scholarships assigned aid from the Price Greenleaf Fund for the academic year 1914-15 to the following 60 men in the first year of their residence as candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. The assignments are based in each case on strong evidence of the candidate's character and scholarship furnished by the school from which he comes. A second assignment will be made in February, 1915, on the basis of the grades received by applicants at the mid-year examinations. The students receiving the assignments, their home towns and preparatory schools are as follows: Emanuel Amdursky '18, of Pittsburgh, Pa., Central High School; Samuel Nathaniel Behrman uC., of Worcester, Clark College; Thomas Newton Beisinger '18, of Jersey City, N. J., Peddie Institute, Hightstown, N. J.; Charles Byron Blaisdell '18, of Long Branch, N. J.; Chattle High Echool; Howard Waller Boal '18, of Ronceverte, W. Va., Exeter; Alfred Theodore Burri '18, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., Mt. Hermon Boys' School; Horace Marsh Chadsey '18, of Roxbury, Boston Latin School; Sidney William Coe '18, of Middleport, Ohio, Mt. Hermon Boys' School; Harold Wilber Copeland '18, of Bridgewater, Bridgewater High School; Arthur Lawrence Cunningham '18, of Medford, Medford High School; Harry Herbert Dampman '18, of Phoenixville, Pa., Phoenixville High School; Sewell Nightengale Dunton '18, of Circleville, Ohio, Everts High School; Caspar Marshall Durgin '18, of Exeter, N. H., Exeter; Eli Ettlinger '18, of St. Louis, Mo., Central High School; Harry Louis Ettlinger '18, of St. Louis, Mo., Soldan High School; Harold Eugene Fales '18, of Attleboro, Attleboro High School; Harry Johnstone Fisher '18, of Plainville, Conn., New Britain (Conn.), High School; Robert Hale Garrison '18, of New York, N. Y., Montclair (N. J.), High School; Arthur Chew Gilligan '18, of Natick, Natick High School; Douglas James Grant '18, of Dedham, Dedham High School; Norman Bigelow Grigg '18, of Stoneham, Stoneham High School; Victor Montgomery Hatherston '18, of Boston, Boston Latin School; Irwin Seymour Hoffer '18, of Palmyra, Pa., State Norman School, Millersville, Pa.; Lincoln Spencer Hyde '18, of East Kingston, N. H. Exeter; Norman Percy Johnson '17, Faribault, Minn., University of Minnesota; Paul Dix Jones '18, of Wilmington, Vt., Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Conn.; Louis Bertrand Keene '18, of Roxbury, Boston English High School; Adon James Keele '18, of Spokane, Wash., North Central High School; Robert Harold Kenyon '18, of Spokane Wash., North Central High School; Robert Joseph Kirkwood, Jr., '18, of South Boston, Boston Latin School; Oliver Waterman Larkin '18, of Georgetown, Perley Free School; Harry Joshua Leon '18, of Woonsocket, R. I., Woonsocket High School; Ralph Llewellyn '18, of Rockland, Rockland High School; Frank Silver MacGregor '18, of West Somerville, Somerville High School; Donald James Mackenzie '18, of Peterboro, N. H., Peterboro High School; George Mair uC., of Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan University; Leigh Veasey Miller '18, of Ashburnham, Cushing Academy; Dwight Lyman Moody '18, of Townsend, Townsend High School; Kenneth Orne Myrick '18, of Hammonton, N. J., Hammonton High School; Charles Nemser '16, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Syracuse University; John Columbine Ritter '18, of New Castle, Colorado, Colorado Springs High School; Philip Hunt Russell '18, Franklin, N. H., Franklin High School; Saliba Ameen Saliba '18, of New Bedford, New Bedford High School; Theodore King Selkirk '18, of Albany, N. Y., Albany High School; Clinton Bowne Sherwood '18, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Poughkeepsie High School; William Allison Shiner '18, of Smithville, W. Va., Glenville State Normal School; Alvah Hovey Slocum '18, of Hubbardston, Gardiner High School; William Berry Southworth '18, of Meadville, Pa., Exeter; Francis Carroll Stetson '18, Washington, D. C., Western High School; Winthrop Edward Sullivan '18, of Watertown, Watertown High School; Gilbert Supple '18, of Dorchester, Dorchester High School; Paul Tison '18, of New York, N. Y., Andover; Walter William Toomey '18, of Lawrence, Andover; Chauncey Lockhart Waddell '18, Greenfield, Ohio, Greeneld High School; Frank Carl Wagoner '18, of Massillon, Ohio, Massillon High School; Samuel Waldstein '18, of Boston, Boston English High School; Henry Simon Walker '18, of Scarboro, Me., Biddeford (Me.), High School; Walter Heber Wheeler, Jr., '18, of New York, N. Y., Worcester (Mass.), Academy; George Carl Wilkins '18, of Lowell, Lowell High School; Cyril Hopkins Wyche '18, of Dallas, Texas, Cambridge High School.
Men in 17 states and 53 cities have received aid from the Price Greenleaf Fund. The geographical distribution is as follows: Colorado (1), New Castle; Connecticut (2), Middleton, Plainville; District of Columbia (1), Washington; Maine (1), Scarboro; Massachusetts (23), Ashburnham, Attleboro, Boston (2), Bridgewater, Dedham, Dorchester, Georgetown, Hubbardston, Lawrence, Lowell, Medford, Natick, New Bedford, Rockland, Roxbury (2), South Boston, Stoneham, Townsend, Watertown, West Somerville, Worcester; Minnesota (1), Faribault; Missouri (2), St. Louis (2); New Hampshire (4), East Kingston, Exeter, Franklin, Peterboro; New Jersey (3), Hammonton, Jersey City, Long Branch; New York (7), Albany, Brooklyn, Mt. Vernon, New York City (3), Poughkeepsie; Ohio (4), Circleville, Greenfield, Massillon, Middleport, Pennsylvania (4), Meadville, Palmyra, Phoenixville, Pittsburgh; Rhode Island (1), Woonsocket; Texas (1), Dallas; Vermont (1), Wilmington; Washington (2), Spokane (2); West Virginia (2), Ronceverte, Smithville.
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