
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

4.00.--Slocum trophy races on Charles River Basin (continued).

4.20.--Filley Cup Races begin on Charles River Basin.

4.45. -- *Chemical Colloquium. "The Atomic Weights of Cadmium and Praeseodymium." By Professor Baxter in Coolidge Memorial Laboratory.

7.00.--Special service for Freshmen in Appleton Chapel.

Thursday, October 29.


3.45.--Filley Cup races continue on Charles River Basin.

4.00.--Slocum trophy races on Charles River Basin (continued).

4.30.--**Lecture (in French) "Nietzsche." By Professor Lichtenberger in Sever 11.

Friday, October 30.

2.30.--Medical Clinic. Conducted by Dr. Thomas Lewis in Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, Huntington avenue, Boston. (open to the general medical public).

4.00.--1918 Cross-country vs. Providence Technical high school.

4.55.--*Harvard Zoological Club. "The Orientation of Amphioxus during Locomotion." By Mr. L. B. Arey. -- "Wound-Healing in Anodonta." By D. H. Wenrich. Zoological Laboratory 46.

5.00.--Lowell Lecture on "Christianity and Politics" by William Cunningham, D.D., F.B.A., in Huntington Hall, 491 Boylston street, Boston.

6.00. -- Applications for tickets to the Brown game close.

8.00. -- **Harvard Philosophical Club. "Psychoanalysis and the Fear of Death" by G. Stanley Hall, President of Clark University, in Emerson J.
