
Crimson Calendar

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Monday, February 2

Last day for receiving applications for the degree of A.B. or S.B.

Second half-year begins in the Medical School and the Dental School.

5.00.--**Lowell Institute Lecture. "Mohammedanism. II. Features Common to Mohammedanism and Modern Thought," by Professor C.S. Hurgronje.


8.00.--**Lowell Institute Lecture. "The Spirit of the Common Law. I Feudal Law," by Professor Roscoe Pound.

8.00.--**1917 Swimming meet with Brookline High School at Brookline.

8.00.--*"Transportation Conditions in Latin-America." Illustrated lecture. Dr. Albert Hale, of the Pan-American Union, Washington, D.C., Emerson J.

Tuesday, February 3.

4.00.--Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 5.

4.00.--**Lecture. "The Character of Disraeli." Wilfred Ward, editor of the Dublin Review. Emerson D.

8.00.--**Lowell Institute Lecture. "Sound Analysis. V. Cause of Tone Quality; Pure Tones; Ideal Musical Tones," by Professor D.C. Miller.

8.15.--**Boston Society of Medical Sciences. Meeting with Harvard Medical School Historical Club. Ampitheatre of the Peter Brigham Hospital.

Wednesday, February 4.

3.00.--Second team hockey with Middle-sex at Concord.
