
Crimson Calendar

8.00-1.00.--Senior Spread and dance in Memorial Hall.

Class Day, Tuesday, June 17.

9.00.--Service in Appleton Chapel for the Seniors, conducted by Professor George Herbert Palmer '64.

11.00.--Class Day exercises in Sanders Theatre.

2.00.--First Harvard Yale baseball game in New Haven.


2.00.--The Yard will be cleared, and none but ticket-holders will be admitted between 2 and 11.

4.00.--Exercises in the Stadium. The Ivy Oration will be delivered by Paul Merrick Hollister, of Grand Rapids, Mich.

5.30-7.30. -- Phillips Brooks House Spread on the quadrangle between Holden Chapel and Phillips Brooks House.

6.00-10.00.--Spread in the Union, open to members only.

8.00--Dinner of the alumni of the Dental School at Young's Hotel, Boston.

8.00-11.00.--Dancing in the Gymnasium and in memorial Hall.

9.00.--The Glee Club will sing on the front steps of Sever Hall.

Wednesday, June 18.

11.00.--Meeting of President and Fellows of Harvard College in University 5.

11.00.--Annual meeting of the Law School Association in Langdell Hall. At noon, procession to the Union, where lunch will be served.
