First day of final examinations in all courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
8.45.--*Morning prayers.
11.00.--Board of Overseers. Adjourned meeting at University 5.
4.00.--**Baseball. Harvard vs. Dartmouth. Second team vs. Newton High School at Newton. Freshmen vs. Morris Heights.
Thursday May 29.
8.45.--*Morning prayers.
Friday May 30.
Memorial Day. A holiday in all departments of the University.
8.45.--*Morning prayers.
12.00.--**Memorial Service to Commemorate the Sons of Harvard who fell in the Civil War. Sanders Theatre. General Hazard Stevens '64 will speak. After the exercises the Harvard survivors of the War are invited to meet at luncheon in Memorial Hall.
4.00.--**Baseball. Harvard vs. Brown at Providence. Second team vs. Yale second team at New Haven. Freshmen vs. Yale freshmen.
4.00.--**Track, Intercollegiate preliminaries.
4.00.--**Lacrosse, Harvard vs. Stevens at Hoboken, N. J.
Saturday, May 31.
Last day for receiving applications for scholarships for 1913-14 in the Law School.
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