
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.00.--Meeting of Indiana Club in Territorial Room of Union.

8.00.--Finals in Ames Competition.

Wednesday, March 5.

5.00.--Meeting of Faculty of the Graduate Schools of Applied Science, in University 5.

6.45.--*Lecture on "The Attitude of Jesus and Paul toward the Law in General," by Dean Fenn, in Parlor of Phillips Brooks House.


8.00.--*Gymnastic meet between University and Brown in Hemenway Gymnasium.

8.00.--**Dedication of new organ in Appleton Chapel.

9.00.--*Meeting of the Forum in the Union.

Thursday, March 6.

2.30.--*Lecture on Pathological Psychology. IV. Dr. Frederic L. Wells, in Emerson 27.

3.30.--Reading in Public Speaking 4, by Professor Winter.

4.45.--*Harvard Zoological Club. "Maine Explorations in the Gulf of Maine in 1912," by Dr. H. B. Bigelow, in University Museum 46.

5.00.--**Harvard Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Preaching service, by Mr. Vaughan Dabney, in Andover Chapel.

7.30.--*Social Service Conference, in Phillips Brooks House.

8.00.--Pierian Concert at Boston City Club.
