
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Monday, February 17.

2.30.**--King's Chapel Lectures on "Chapters in the History of Moham-medanism. II. Controversies about Faith and Free Will. The Rationalists," by Professor G. F. Moore, in King's Chapel, Boston.

4.30.**--Lecture on "Indian Philosophy in its Applications to Life. II. Man's Relation to the Universe," by Mr. Rabindranath Tagore, of Calcutta, Bengal, in Emerson F.

4.30.--Meeting of Faculty of Divinity in Faculty Room, Divinity Library.


4.30.*--Seminary of Economics. "Some Economic Aspects of Vocational Guidance." Mr. Meyer Bloomfield '01, in Upper Dane

5.00.*--Physical Colloquium. "The Possible Significance of Crystalline Form and Molecular Volume," by Professor Richards, in Jefferson, Room 25.

8.00.--Lecture by the Reverend W. T. Sumner in Living Room of Union. The subject has not been announced.

8.00.**--William Belden Noble Lecture on "Dante's Verdict on Life: its Significance and Value. I. Dante Himself," by Rt. Rev. W. Boyd-Carpenter, in New Lecture Hall.

8.15.*--Boston Society of Medical Sciences, in amphitheatre of Building D, Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston.

Preliminary sketches of Architectural Competition due.

Tuesday, February 18.

4.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences in University 5.

5.00.**--Episcopal Theological Lenten Service in St. John's Chapel. The speaker will be Rev. F. B. Sill.

8.00.*--Harvard Philosophical Club. Lecture on "Brahma," by Mr. Rabindranath Tagore, in Emerson A.
