
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.00.--Lecture by Professor Perry in Living Room of Union.

Wednesday, February 19.

3.30.**--Winter Carnival on board track behind Langdell Hall.

8.00.**--William Belden Noble Lecture on "Dante's Verdict on Life: its Significance and Value. II. The Influences in His Life," by Rt. Rev. W. Boyd-Carpenter, in New Lecture Hall.

8.30.--Phillips Brooks House election.


1914 Senior Dormitory second applications closed.

Thursday, February 20.

2.30.*--Lectures on "Pathological Psychology II.," by Dr. Frederic L. Wells, in Emerson 27.

5.00.--Harvard Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Sermon by Mr. Bruce W. Brotherston, in Andover Chapel.

8.15.*--Exposition of Chamber Music, by Mr. Whiting in New Lecture Hall.

9.00.--Pierian Pop Concert in Union.

Friday, February 21.

4.00 to 6.00.*--University Tea in Phillips Brooks House.

8.00.**--William Belden Noble Lecture on Dante's Verdict on Life: its Significance and Value. III. The Drama Within or the Drama of the Soul," by Rt. Rev. W. Boyd-Carpenter, in New Lecture Hall.

8.15.**--University swimming team vs Amherst in Y. M. C. A. tank.

Saturday, February 22.

Holiday in all departments of the University.
