

University Team Expects Close Match Tonight.--To Meet Yale Soon.

The University wrestling team will meet the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the Technology gymnasium this evening at 8 o'clock. There will be an admission charge of twenty-five cents. The following entries have been made from the University squad: 115-pound class, T. T. Mora '13; 125-pound class, H. B. Goodfriend '14, E. H. Whitney '15; 135-pound class, J. S. Zinssen '16; 145-pound class, W. E. Griffiths '14, E. Swigert '15; 158-pound class, W. R. Tyler '14 (captain), G. N. Brennan '15; heavy-weight, J. F. Stambaugh '13. Two pounds allowance will be given, and individual bouts will last 15 minutes.

Both the University and the Technology teams have defeated the Clapp Memorial Athletic Association of East Weymouth, and the decision tonight promises to be unusually close. The next meet will be held with the Boston Y. M. C. U. on February 20 in the Hemenway Gymnasium, and the University team will meet Yale at New Haven on February 28. Trials for the Yale meet will take place next week, and entry books are now in the wrestling room.
