

Spoke at Harvard Club on Desirability of Four Years' Course at College.

The forty-eight annual dinner of the Harvard Club of New York City was held in Harvard Hall in the clubhouse last Thursday evening. The dinner was a great success, for about 300 members of the club were present.

Peter B. Olney '64, president of the club, presided, and during the dinner introduced the speakers of the evening in the following order: William Lawrence '71, Bishop of Massachusetts; Joseph Hodges Choate '52; Edgar Huidekoper Wells '97, general secretary of the Alumni Association; Nicolas Longworth '91; and President Lowell.

President Lowell's Speech.

President Lowell spoke in a general way of the needs of the University. He emphasized the desirability of having men enter college young and take a four years' course. He quoted statistics showing that men who entered at 16 and 17 did better work and suffered less harm than the men who entered at an older age.

A glee club of Harvard men in charge of the chorister of the club, Francis Rogers, '91, sang during the dinner. The cheering was led by the secretary of the club, Langdon P. Marvin '98.
