8.00-6.00.--Senior elections.
4.30.--**Lecture (in French). "Etudes de literature compare. Le type de Thonnete homme'et les classiquies fracais due XVIIe siecle. XII. Lesdernieres pieces de Moliere," by Professor Fernaid Badensperger in Emerson D.
5.00.--*Chemical Colloquium. "The Regulation of the Equilibrium between Bases and Acids in the Human Body," by Professor L. J. Henderson, in Coolidge Memorial Laboratory.
5.00.--**Lowell Institute Lecture. "Some Types of English Poetry, VIII. Conclusion," by Professor G. H. Palmer.
8.00.-Boylston Chemical Club. Dr. R. B. Earle on "Some Aspects of the Rubber Industry," in Trophy Room of Union.
8.00.--**Circle Framcais Play in Jordan Hall, Boston.
9.00.-Senior Smoker in Union.
Thursday, December 11.
4.00.--**Lowell Institute Lecture. Mr. Alfred Noyes on "The Sea in English Poetry."
4.30.--**Lecture (in German), "Christentum and Hellenismus, X. Der Logos and die Geschichte," by Professor Ernat von Dobschuts, in Emerson J.
8.00.--Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert in Sanders Theatre.
8.00.--*Dramatic Club Plays in Brattle Hall.
8.00.--**Cercle Francais Play in Jordan Hall.
Friday, December 12.
4.00-6.00.--*University Tea in Phillips Brooks House.
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