4.30.--**Lecture. (In French). "Etudes de litterature comparee. Le type de phonnete homme' et les classiques francais de XVIIe siecle. XVII. 'T'honnete femme'," by Professor Fernand Baldensperger, in Emerson D.
4.30.--*Classical Conference. "A Comparison of the Choephoroe of Aeschylus and the Orestes of Leconte de Lisle," by Mr. W. M. Washburn. "Has the Handwriting of Johannes Scottus been Found?", by Professor E. K. Rand, in Harvard 1.
4.45.--*Harvard Zoological Club. "Some Examples of Parallelism and Recapitulation in the Trilobites," by Professor Raymond, in the Zoological Laboratory, Room 46. Open to members of Radcliffe College.
8.00.--*Harvard Philosophical Club. "Does Idealism lead to Solipsism?" by Rev. Hastings Rashdall, in Emerson C.
8.00.--**Lowell Institute Lecture. Professor Ernst von Dobschutz on "The Influence of the Bible on Civilization."
8.15.--**Harvard-Yale Musical Clubs concert at Jordan Hall.
Saturday, November 22.
11.00.--**Intercollegiate cross-country run in New York.
2.00.--Football with Yale in Stadium.