
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.00.--Historical Club of the Harvard Medical School. First meeting in amphitheatre of Peter Bent Brigham Hospital.

Wednesday, November 5.

3.30.--Third consolation cross-country run over Belmont course.

4.00.--Faculty of the Graduate Schools of Applied Science. Meeting in University 5.

4.30.--**Lecture. (In French). "Etudes de literature comparee. Le type de Thonnete homme' et les classiques francais du XVIIe siecle. XII. La de limitation du lyrisme," by Professor Fernand Baldensperger, in Emerson D.


5.00.--**Lowell Institute Lecture,--"Some types of English Poetry," by Professor G. H. Palmer.

8.00.--Colorado Club,--meeting in Territorial Club Room of Union.

Thursday, November 6.

Last day for Yale applications.

4.30.--**Lecture. (In German). "Christentum and Hellenismus. VI. Mysterien und Sacramente," by Professor Ernest von Dobschutz, in Emerson J.

8.00.--**Lowell Institute Lecture,--"Primitive Christianity," by Professor Lake.

8.15.--*Exposition of Chamber Music Mr. Arthur Whiting, and assisting artists, in the New Lecture Hall.

Friday, November 7.

5.00.--Faculty of Medicine. Meeting at Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston.

4.30.--**Lecture. (In French). "Etudes de litterature comparee. Le type de Thonnete homme' et les classiques francais du XVIIe siecle. XIII. Le sentiment de la nature," by Professor Fernand Baldensperger, in Emerson D.
