Philosophy, Professor Perry, Emerson B.
Physics, Professor Lyman.
Public Speaking, Professor Winter, New Lecture Hall.
Semitic, Professor Lyon, 9 to 12.30, Semitic Museum; 2.30 to 4.30, 12 Scott street.
Social Ethics, Professor Peabody, Emerson K.
Zoology, Professor Parker, Zool. Mus., room 45.
Graduate Applied Sciences.
Students may obtain information about the Graduate Schools of Applied Science from the following chairmen of the several schools between the hours of 9 and 12.30 A. M., and 2.30 and 4.30 P. M.:
Applied Biology, Professor Wheeler, Bussey Institution.
Architecture, Professor Warren, Robinson Hall Library.
Engineering, Professor Hughes, Pierce 114.
Forestry, Professor Bailey (representing Professor Fisher), Pierce 306.
Landscape Architecture, Professor Pray, Robinson.
Mining, Professor White, Rotch Building.
Other Graduate Schools.