All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."
Sunday, May 26.
10.15.-*Last regular weekly meeting of Christian Association, in Parlor of Brooks House.
11.00.-**Professor Lawrence Pearsall Jacks, A.M., in Appleton Chapel.
4.00-6.00.-*President and Mrs. Lowell at home to students.
Monday, May 27.
10.30-Meeting of President and Fellows of Harvard College, at 50 State street, Boston.
2.30.-**Golf championship tournament begins at Woodland Country Club.
3.00.-**Doubles tennis championship tournament begins on Jarvis Field.
4.30.-Seminary in Economics. Address on "Legal Status of the Anthracite Coal Combination," by Mr. Eliot Jones, A.M. '08, in Upper Dane.
9.00.-Last Freshman smoker in Dining Room of Union.
Tuesday, May 28.
Last day for receiving Junior class pledges.
2.30.-**Tennis with Minnesota, on Jarvis Field.
4.00.-Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences in University Hall, Room 5.
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