

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

5.00.--**Harvard Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Brief address by President A. P. Fitch, in Andover Chapel.

5.30.--First competition for E.N. Cleaves 1M., challenge cup for gymnastic excellence, in Hemenway Gymnasium.

8.00.--*Educational Conference. Address on "The Psychology of Vocational Guidance," by Professor Muensterberg, in Common Room, Conant Hall.

8.15.--Lecture. "Law as a Profession," by Dean Ezra R. Thayer, in Living Room of Union.

Friday, April 5.


11.00.--**Good Friday service in Appleton Chapel. Brief address by Professor Edward C. Moore.

7.00.--Annual dinner of Western Club at clubhouse.

7.00.--Meeting of Indiana Club in Trophy Room of Union.

8.00.--*Harvard Philosophical Club. Address on "Individualism and Superman," by Professor Warner Fite, in Emerson D.

8.00.--Northfield Social Meeting in Parlor of Brooks House.

Saturday, April 6.

9.00-11.00--**Lecture. "Religious Education," by Dr. G. A. Coe, at Divinity Hall Library.

3.00.--**Soccer game with Pennsylvania at Philadelphia.
