

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.15.--*Undergraduates' performance of "Below Zero," by Hasty Pudding Club, at clubhouse.

Tuesday, March 26.

9.00-1.30.--Straw vote for President of United States, in Lodge at Class of '77 Gate and at Law School.

3.30.--*Informal talk on "The Pictures in the Fogg Museum," by Dr. D.W. Ross in the Fogg Museum.

4.30.--Geological Conference in Mineralogical Laboratory, University Museum.


5.00.--*Address on "The Expression of Our Personal Religion in Fellowship," by Rev. P.W. Sprague at Chapel of Episcopal Theological School, Brattle street.

6.00-8.00. -- Speakers' Club fortnightly dinner in Small Dining Room, Memorial Hall.

8.15.-- *Meeting of the Boston Society of Medical Sciences in Amphitheatre of Building D, Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston.

8.15.--**Public performance of "Below Zero," by Hasty Pudding Club, at clubhouse.

8.15.--**Tenth (last) Historic Operatic concert in Sanders Theatre.

8.15.--Lecture by President Alderman of University of Virginia, in Union.

Wednesday, March 27.

3.00.--**Soccer game with Yale at Soldiers Field.

3.30.--*Opera. "Pagliacci," by Boston Opera Company, in Sanders Theatre.

4.30.--Meeting of Harvard Andover Divinity Club. Address by Dr. Stanton Coit in the Farrar Room of the Andover Theological Seminary.
