

Comparison of Marks of New Plan and Old Plan Men in All Courses.

The summary of marks made at the mid-year examinations by the men who entered College under the new plan of admission, which was published in the CRIMSON a few days ago, has been compared with a like summary of all marks made at mid-years by the Freshmen who entered under the old plan. Men who have been dropped from other classes into the Freshman class are not included, so the tendency toward general superiority of the "new plan" men shown by this final comparison is very convincing.

The marks were distributed as follows: Old plan men.  New plan men. Grade.  No.  Per cent.  No.  Per Cent A,  141  5.3  48  11.8 B,  564  21.2  135  33.2 C,  1182  44.5  177  43.4 D,  597  22.5  38  9.3 E,  174  6.5  9  2.3

As is seen from these figures 44.9 per cent. of the examinations taken by "new plan" men were passed with honor marks, as against the 26.5 per cent. of those passed with honor marks by the "old plan" men, 20.5 per cent. of the new plan men had consistently exceptional records as given below, while only 11.5 per cent, of the old plan men had such records. Among the "new plan" men, one had 6 A's; two had 3 A's, 3 B's; two had 2A's, 3 B's; one had 1A, 4 B's; one had 6 B's 1 C; one had 1 A, 4 B's; 1 C; two had 1 A, 3 B's, 1 C; two had 4 B's, 1 C. Among the "old plan" men, two had 5 A's, one had 4 A's, 2 B's; one had 4 A's, 1 B's, one had 3 A's, 3 B's; three had 3 A's, 2 B's; four had 2 A's, 3 B's; one had 2 A's, 2 B's; one had 1 A, 5 B's; seven had 1 A, 4 B's; one had 6 B's; four had 5 B's; one had 4 A's, 1C; two had 3 A's, 1 B, 1 C; one had 2 A's, 3 B's, 1 C; seven had 2 A's, 2 B's, 1 C; two had 1 A, 4 B's 1 C; four had 1 A, 3 B's, 1 C; one had 1 A, 2 B's, 1 C; one had 6 B's, 1 C; fifteen had 4 B's, 1 C; one had 3 B's, 1 C.
