


At the meeting of the entire Student Council held in the Union last evening the main business taken up was that of accepting the report of the secretary, R. B. Wigglesworth '12, and of the committees on organization and scholarship. By far the most important measure passed was one providing for a uniform and permanent class constitution. The striking feature of the constitution is that in the Junior and Sophomore years it provides for nominations by petition only, and for a system of preferential voting. A detailed statement concerning this constitution is given below by J. G. Gilkey '12, chairman of the Committee on Scholarship.

Resolution on Organized Cheering.

Two letters on the subject of organized cheering at the baseball games, were received from the graduate advisory committee on baseball, and the following resolution was passed: That organized cheering in itself is not bad, but certain phases of it as practiced today are prejudicial to the best interests of the University as a whole. That cheering before and after the game, between the innings, and after brilliant plays is only the natural expression of undergraduate spirit and does a great deal to increase the interest of the occasion, but such expressions should not take the form of an ungentlemanly attitude toward opponents. The Council feels that the cheer leaders can do a great deal toward controlling the situation and hopes that the undergraduate body will heartily co-operate to remedy the present evils.

J. R. Sibley '12 reported for the committee on organizations that the chief work of the committee had consisted of publishing the University Register, the maintenance of the "Date Book" in the Union, and aiding the registered and territorial clubs in their affairs.

The movement for closer relations between the University and the Boston Opera Company was discussed at some length and the meeting was addressed by Mr. Hanfstaengl, one of the leaders of the movement. A resolution, highly endorsing the work of the committee in charge, was passed.


It was voted that it is desirable to have the wearing of class buttons remain, as at present, the insignia of the Senior class only.

It was recommended that the insignia "H. R. T." be awarded the members of the University rifle team.

J. C. Talbot '15, of Milton, was elected a member of the Council in place of F. Wigglesworth '15, resigned.

At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Student Council held after the general meeting last night, J. Gordon Gilkey '12, of Watertown, was elected to fill the vacancy in the committee caused by the resignation of L. D. Smith '12.

Report of Secretary.

To the Student Council of Harvard College:

I have the honor to submit the following report of the activities of your Executive Committee from October 30, 1911, to the present date. (March 13, 1912).

The Executive Committee has held six meetings on the following dates: November 15, December 18, January 15, January 23, February 14, and March 4.

The first business was the appointment of four sub-committees to deal with certain particular problems of university life; these committees to act subject to the approval of the Executive Committee. The following sub-committees were appointed:

1. Committee on Organizations:--J. R. Sibley '12 (chairman), P. G. M. Austin '13, H. B. Gill '13, A. W. Knauth '12, W. E. Quinby '14.

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