8.45.--Morning prayers in Appleton Chapel by Rev. A. P. Fitch '00.
3.00-3.30.--Harvard Dames meet in the Germanic Museum.
3.30.--Harvard Dames meeting in Brooks House Parlor.
4.30.--Cosmopolitan Club tea for members of the Boston Opera Company in the club-rooms, Holyoke 7 and 8.
4.45.--**Harvard Zoological Club. "Inheritance in Drosophila," by Mr. P. W. Whiting, at Zoological Laboratory, Room 4, fourth floor, University Museum.
5.00.--*Third Lecture on Political Geography of Europe, by Professor R. M. Johnston, in Emerson A.
**Harvard Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary preaching service by Mr. A. C. Reed, at Andover Chapel.
7.00.--Dinner of the Harvard Club of Boston, at Hotel Somerset, Boston.
8.00.--Delta Upsilon Elizabethan Revival, "Ralph Roister Doister," at Jordan Hall, Boston.
8.15.--*Fifth and last Whiting Recital at New Lecture Hall.
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