

Attainment of Closer Relations Discussed in Union Yesterday.

At the meeting which was held yesterday in the Union to establish closer relations between Harvard and the Boston Opera, representatives of the Student Council, Cosmopolitan Club, Cercle Francais, Deutscher Verein, Circulo Italiano, Dramatic Club, Musical Club, the various musical organizations, the CRIMSON, Advocate, Monthly, and Illustrated, discussed the importance of bringing Harvard men in closer touch with the Opera. E. F. Hanfstaengl '09 presided. After explaining the purpose of the meeting, he pointed out the possibility that this movement, although started independently, might interfere with the completion of the fund now being raised for a new musical building. It was agreed that the conditions called for such immediate co-operation as the various musical, dramatic, and foreign clubs could forward by united effort. The plan of holding a dinner some time about the first of April was adopted and a committee appointed to make further arrangements, as follows: E. F. Hanfstaengl '09, chairman, R. H. Anderson '14, M. Fremont-Smith '13, K. Haddon '14, C. E. Hansen '12, C. H. Hoskins '13, H. B. H. Ripley '12, N. Roosevelt '14, W. Sammons sC., J. R. Sibley '12, and T. M. Spelman '13. The Committee will hold a meeting in the Committee Room of the Union this afternoon at 5.30 o'clock.
