

The Class Smoker as it is today represents the survival of the fittest method for bringing a class together. The most ineffective form of smoker is that at which men stand with a few friends, eat a few crackers, drink ginger ale, and stare at every one else. The most successful form of smoker is that at which a certain amount of entertainment is provided for, and at which the different men are drawn informally into a general enjoyment of everything. This form has not as yet, however, come to anything like its full realization. To any that have attended these meetings it is perfectly evident that the more local talent is utilized the more successful is the gathering. So far in a formal way this idea has been taken up, but it ought to be carried farther. There are many men in a class who if called upon could give entertainments if not as well, certainly far more effectively than the hired professional. The only difficulty is that it is a hard custom to start. We also suggest that professors be asked in more, both as informal speakers, and as guests. This would serve a double purpose. As the only regular class gathering we think the Class Smoker should be enthusiastically supported, and we encourage all Juniors to make sure that they can attend their meeting on the 21st.
