8.45.--**Morning prayers by Dr. A. P. Fitch '00, in Appleton Chapel.
4.00.--*Handicap high jump competition in the Cage, Soldiers Field.
4.45.--*Zoological Club. "Color Inheritance in Mice, by Mr. C. C. Little 3G.S., in Room 46, 4th floor, University Museum.
5.00.--*Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Christmas service. Sermon by Mr. R. M. Boynton, in Divinity Chapel.
8.15.--**Christmas service by the student choir of Andover Theological Seminary and Christmas address by Dr. A. P. Fitch '00, in Andover Chapel.
9.00.--Junior smoker in the Dining Room of the Union.
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