

University Men Will Probably be Entered in Usual Events.

The annual indoor track meet conducted by the Boston Athletic Association will be held in Mechanics Building, Boston, on Saturday evening, February 8. As well as the club and University relay races, there will be the usual individual handicap and scratch events.

Though arrangements have not yet been definitely concluded, the University has entered teams in the 780-yard and 390-yard relay races, probably meeting Yale in the former and Princeton in the latter. In addition, a Freshman team will meet the Yale freshmen in a 390-yard relay race. A number of men from the University track squad will also be entered in the various scratch and handicap events.

The scratch events will be as follows: 40-yard dash, 45-yard high hurdles (3 flights), and 3-mile run. To enter the last event, a contestant must show a record of 16 minutes for the distance.

The handicap events will be as follows: three standing broad jumps, 18-inch limit, competitors must show 31-foot record; 600-yard dash, 30-yard limit; 1000-yard run, 50-yard limit; one-mile run, 75-yard limit; 16-pound shot-put, 4-foot limit, competitors must show 40-foot competitive record; high-jump, 3-inch limit, competitors must show 5-foot, 3-inch competitive record.

The entrants will include a large number of the prominent eastern colleges.
