
What is Going on Today

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.45.--**Morning prayers by Dr. A. P. Fitch '00, in Appleton Chapel.

4.00-6.00.--*University Tea, in Phillips Brooks House.

4.00.--*Handicap hurdle race in Cage.

4.30.--**Lecture on "Leading Ideas of the Present Time. XII. Individualism and Socialism" by Professor Eucken, in Emerson D. (In German).

4.45.--*Graduate Chemical Club. "The Preparation of Malic Acid from 'Sugar Sand'" by Mr. M. R. Grose, in Boylston 9.


5.15.--Meeting of Junior Dance Committee in Dunster 40.

7.00.--Additional nominations for Senior class committees close.

7.30.--*Philosophical Club. Lectures in Emerson C.

8.00.--**First production of "Zwei Wappen" by the Deutscher Verein, in Jordan Hall, Boston.

8.15.--**"The Voice of the People" by the Dramatic Club, in Brattle Hall.

9.00.--Meeting of Phillips Club in club room.
