
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.00.--*Juniors vs. Freshmen in finals of interclass debating, in New Lecture Hall.

Wednesday, December 4.

4.00.--Meeting of the Faculty of the Graduate Schools of Applied Science in University 5.

5.45.--Social Service Dinner in Memorial Hall Banquet Room.

7.00.--*St. Paul's Society meeting in Phillips Brooks House. "The Church in Foreign Lands", by the Rt. Rev. A. S. Lloyd, D.D.


8.00.--Mathematical Club. "Chains of Points", by Mr. Alton L. Miller, in the Common Room, Conant Hall.

8.00.--*Lecture on "The Needs of American Railways", by Mr. S. O. Dunn, of Chicago, in Emerson A.

8.15.--Musical Club meeting in Grays 4.

Thursday, December 5.

4.30.--**Lecture (in French). "Les Deux Sir Roger de Coverly; celni de Steele of celui d'Addison", by Professor Legouis, in Sever 11.

4.45.--**Recital by the University Choir, in Appleton Chapel.

4.45.--**Zoological Club. "Studies on Heredity in Man", by Professor C. B. Davenport, in Nash Lecture Room, University Museum.

8.00.--*Whiting recital, in New Lecture Hall.

Friday, December 6.

4.00.--*University Tea, in Brooks House.
