

All Football Authorities Unite in Praising Coach Haughton, and Conslstency of Harvard Team's Work.

"The defense was remarkable, time and again the opposing men being taken off their feet. They diagnosed plays with a wonderful quickness. The team showed that it was wonderfully well-drilled, and all through the game it was remarkable how closely the men followed their assignments.

It was an extraordinarily clean game."

The New York Sun sums up the team in the following words:

"Harvard knew more football, her players displayed more stamina and the generalship exercised completely non-plussed the hardy sons of Old Eli."

From the Yale News Account.


The Yale News is as usual generous in its praise:

"We have nothing but praise for Harvard's decisive victory. The Crimson met us with an effective, resourceful eleven whose title to the championship cannot be questioned, nor is it marred by any semblance of a fluke."

Arthur Duffy of the Post sees particular significance in the great victory:

"Coach Haughton and his methods have finally come into their own. That they are now supreme in the gridiron game no one will deny. For five years the Crimson coach has been endeavoring to prove the efficiency of his methods. Now, no one will question them. Harvard should occupy the place in the college football game that has hitherto been given to Yale."

The Boston Journal makes the statement:

"Harvard's victory Saturday was the most creditable ever won over Yale by the Crimson in football. Harvard defeated a fairly representative Yale team, a mighty strong, powerful eleven."

The New York Tribune concurs in the latter statement:

"No one could accuse the Yale players of a lack of courage or fighting spirit."
