
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

4.00.--Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 5.

5.00.--*Yale game applications close.

7.00.--Election returns in Union.

7.00.--Professor Cole's Senior Bible Class in Brooks House Office.

7.00.--Dr. Evans's Sophomore Bible class in Brooks House Parlor.


7.30.--*Finals for team trials for inter-class debating, in Trophy Room of Union.

Wednesday, November 6.

3.00.--**Finals of Dormitory crew races in Basin.

3.30.--**Race between first and second Freshman crews.

3.30.--**Race between third, fourth, fifth, and sixth Freshman crews.

4.00.--*Last consolation cross-country run at Chestnut Hill.

4.00.--Faculty of the Graduate Schools of Applied Science. Meeting at University 5.

4.30.--**Southworth Lectures in Andover Theological Seminary. "Current Problems of Organized Religion. II, The Problem of Belief" by Canon Henson in Andover Chapel.

7.00.--*St. Paul's Society. "The Practical Use of the Bible" by the Rev. Alexander Mann, D.D., in Phillips Brooks House.

8.00.--Meeting of the Iowa Club in Assembly Room of Union.
