

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

9.00.--*Bible Reading by Professor Copeland, in Emerson J.

9.00.--First Senior smoker, in Living Room of Union.

Tuesday, October 8.

4.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences at University 5.

6.45.--Professor G. F. Moore's class for Law School men, in Christian Association Room, Brooks House.


7.00.--Professor Cole's Senior Bible Class, in Office of Brooks House.

7.00.--Dr. Evans's Sophomore Bible Class, in Parlor of Brooks House. Dr. Fitch to conduct this meeting.

7.00.--Executive committee of Speakers' Club meeting, in Little's 3.

8.00.--*University Mandolin Club rehearsals, in Holden Chapel.

Wednesday, October 9.

11.00.--Meeting of Board of Overseers, at University Hall.

3.00.--**Freshman football with Groton, at Groton.

6.00.--**Entries in doubles for fall tennis tournament close.

7.00.--*Weekly conference of St. Paul's Society. "The Devotional Life in College," by Rev. Harvey Officer, O. H. C., in Noble Room, Brooks House.

8.00.--**Ingersoll Lecture on the Immortality of Man. "Intimations of Immortality in Sonnets of Shakespeare," by Professor Palmer, in Emerson D.
