

Varsity Football Team in Good Condition.--Yesterday's Practice Saw Dummy Tackling Again.

The Brown game did not affect to any considerable degree the physical condition of the Harvard players, for all, except those who were intentionally given a rest reported at practice. Dana and Weatherhead are now the only real invalids.

The first feature of yesterday afternoon's practice was dummy tackling, and blocking of players. Following this, the squad of ends, were sent down the field under punts to tackle the receiving backs. The practice was thus in reality a return to the fundamentals of football. The last half hour was devoted to scrimmaging with the second team, which was placed on the offensive, and which tried out some plays similar to those used by Princeton.

F. D. Huntington '12, centre on last year's team, joined the coaching squad for the first time this year, and paid particular attention to teaching Amory and Wigglesworth defensive tactics.

The line-up of the University team was as follows:

Hollister, l.e.; Lawson, l.t.; Driscoll, l.g.; Wigglesworth, c.; Trumbull, r.g.; T. Frothingham, r.t.; Felton, r.e.; Gardner, Bradley, q.b.; H. Hardwick, l.h.b.; Brickley, r.h.b.; Bradlee, f.b.
