

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

Tuesday, October 22.

9.00.--*Brooks House clothing collection begins.

4.00.--Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 5.

6.45.--Law School Christian Association. "Some Legal Aspects of the New Testament" by Professor G. F. Moore.

7.00.--Professor Cole's Senior Bible Class, in Brooks House Office.


7.00.--Dr. Evans's Sophomore Bible Class, in Brooks House Parlor.

8.00.--**(In Spanish). Address on "La Literature come Fuente de la Histaria de Espana" by Professor Rafael Altamira, Minister and Director of Primary Education in Spain, in Emerson D.

Wednesday, October 23.

2.00.--*Interclass tennis team matches begin on Jarvis Field.

4.30.--*Second consolation cross-country run at Chestnut Hill.

7.00.--*St. Paul's Society. "The Place of Religion in the Intellectual Life" by the Rev. D. S. Miller, in Phillips Brooks House.

8.00.--Indiana Club. Meeting in Trophy Room of the Union.

8.00.--Harvard Mathematical Club. "Geometry of (n) Dimensions" by Mr. R. A. Johnson, in Common Room of Conant Hall.

Thursday, October 24.

7.30.--**Harvard Taft Club. Rally in Brattle Hall. Torchlight procession.
