

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.00 P. M.--**Boston Symphony Orchestra Concert. Sanders Theatre.

Friday, October 18.

3.00.--**Freshman track meet in Stadium.

4.30.--**(In German). "Leading Ideas of the Present Time." Fourth lecture. Professor Eucken. Emerson J.

7.30.--Music by Kanrich's Orchestra in Living Room of Union.


8.00.--Romance Seminary. Meeting in Upper Warren.

8.00.--*Harvard Philosophical Club. "An Appreciation of Professor Palmer's Lecture on Immortality." Mr. G. A. Feingold. Emerson C.

8.00.--**Harvard Engineering Society. "The O-Street Power Station of the Boston Elevated."

Saturday, October 19.

*Last day in first half-year for dropping additional courses without liability for additional fees.

3.00.--**Football with Amherst in Stadium.

3.00.--**Freshman football with Hotchkiss at Lakeville.

7.00.--*Football songs due. Manuscripts should be handed to F. R. Hancock, 18 Oxford street.
