The shift in the bow four of the Freshman crew which was made for the first time Monday was tried again yesterday. The change consists of moving Gardiner from 3 to 4, displacing Converse: shifting Reynolds from bow to 3; and putting C. Curtis in Reynolds's place as bow. The new order worked much better yesterday than the day before, the boat being steadier, and the men more in union.
Hooper was again in Newton's place at 4 in the University crew, as Newton is still out of the boat because of illness. The order of the two crews was as follows:
University crew.--Stroke, Goodale; 7, Cutler; 6, Strong; 5, Withington; 4, Hooper; 3, Metcalf; 2, Waite; bow, Balch; cox., C. Abeles.
Freshman crew.--Stroke, Chanler; 7, Mills; 6, Morgan; 5, Storer; 4, Gardiner; 3, Reynolds; 2, Trumbull; bow, Curtis; cox., Hay.
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