

Two years ago the CRIMSON called attention to the antiquated condition of the Trophy Room in the Union, and urged that the committee in charge of the trophies attempt to bring the exhibition up to date. The editorial was answered by a communication from a member of the committee in which it was stated that plans were under way to place the trophies in the Hemenway Gymnasium and elsewhere.

Evidently these plans have not matured, for no tangible results are to be seen. The Trophy Room is still in a woefully out-of-date condition. But it would be well near impossible to make the collection of trophies entirely comprehensive when the space allotted to them is so meagre. The Trophy Room already contains as many trophies as the limited space will accommodate.

With the construction of a new Varsity Club space might be provided for all trophies now in storage and for all that would accumulate for a number of years to come. However, we do not consider the Varsity Club house, a semi-private building, the most appropriate place for a gathering of trophies marking College athletic achievements. Our suggestion is that this building be used temporarily, until the University is provided with a new gymnasium. Whenever this hope is realized, ample space could be provided for all trophies then in the Union and the Varsity Club. Only in this way does it seem possible to bring our athletic trophies into one place and make the collection complete.


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