

Defeated Springfield Training School 7 to 2 in First Game of Season.

The University lacrosse team in its first game of the season defeated the Springfield Training School team in the Stadium Saturday afternoon by the score of 7 to 2. The University team was clearly superior in the first half, scoring five goals with comparative ease, while Springfield failed to score. In the second half the University defence weakened somewhat and Springfield was able to score two goals, largely through the excellent work of Bowers. The University team also scored twice in this half.

The University defence played a safe and consistent game in the first period, but failed to cover closely in the second. The attack was strong and fast, and was featured by the work of Gustafson at third attack. Captain Nash at third defence and Brightman at goal played well for the University team, and Bowers excelled for Springfield. The summary: HARVARD.  SPRINGFIELD T. S. Brightman, g.  g., Briggs Washburn, Simmons, Halle, p.  i.h., Lamb Simmons, Hutchinson, White, c.p.  o.h., Bowers Hale, 1d.  1a., Hutchinson Webber, Hopkins, 2d.  2a., Pryke Nash, 3d.  3a., Bradshaw Foristall, c.  c., Warren Gustafson, 3a.  3d., McRae Fitts, 2a.  2d., Smith Blackett, Hodgdon, Candee, 1a.  1d., Gurney Parker, o.h.  c.p., Best Earle, Beatley, Blackett, i.h.  p., Beal, Eddie

Score--Harvard, 7; Springfield Training School, 2. Goals--Gustafson 3, Fitts 2, Bowers 2, Blackett, Parker. Referee--Dr. D. P. Penhallow '03. Goal umpires--S. S. Kingman '12, S. Smith '09. Time-keeper--K. B. Day '11. Time--25-minute halves.
