

To be Held for First Time in Mechanics Hall.--231 Men are Entered.

The fifth annual winter track carnival will be held in Mechanics Hall this evening at 7.30 o'clock. 231 men have entered from the various departments of the University, but those who are on probation and those who have not taken strength tests since January 1 will not be allowed to compete. Prizes will be given to those winning first and second places in the regular track and field events of the carnival.

Besides the relay races and the regular track and field events, matches will be held for the wrestling and fencing championships of the University. Cups will be given to the winners of first and second places in each final bout. It is important that competitors report promptly for their events as called. The first call for the 40-yard dash will be given in the dressing room at 7 o'clock. Everyone wishing to compete must report to the clerk of the course at least five minutes before his event starts, and those reporting late will be absolutely debarred from competing. No one will be allowed on the floor except officials and men in actual competition.

Tickets at $1.50, $1, and 50 cents, may be obtained at the office of the Athletic Association, Leavitt & Peirce's, Wright & Ditson's, and at the door of Mechanics Hall. Competitors may secure seats by calling at the office of the Athletic Association before 1 o'clock today.

The entire list of officials, events, and entries is as follows:

List of Officials.


Referees.--W. F. Garcelon L.'95, L. B. Parks 2L., P. Withington '10, I. Leslabay.

Marshals.--M. Williams, B. A. A., P. K. Kelley, B. A. A.

Judges at finish.--F. H. Briggs, M. I. T., W. R. Mansfield '07, B. A. A., T. F. Riley, No. Cambridge A. A., N. Bingham '95.

Timers.--H. O. von Schuckman, B. A. A., W. M. Rand '09, B. A. A., R. A. Faye, B. A. A., E. J. Wendell '85, N. Y. A. C., H. W. Knights, B. A. A.

Starter.--H. C. McGrath, North Dorchester A. A.

Field judges.--W. W. Coe, Jr., B. A. A., H. A. Gidney, B. A. A., R. G. Harwood, '09.

Clerk of course.--B. B. Osthues, Armory A. A.

Assistant clerks of course.--W. Hynes, Cambridge, C. H. Hodgkins, Cambridge, W. T. Dunne, I. A. A.

Inspectors.--E. C. Rust '04, G. L. Garland, B. A. A., J. W. Hallowell '01, T. H. Guething, M. I. T., O. F. Hedlund, Brookline Gymnasium A. A., C. D. Wadsworth, B. A. A., H. S. Benson, M. I. T.

Announcer.--J. J. Hallahan, Boston Herald.
