

At Field in Squantum, September 3-13.--Records and Prizes

Following is given a summary of the meet:

Best Records.

Speed.--(5 1-4 miles), 6m., 1s., Grahame-White.

Altitude.--4,730 ft., Brookins.

Duration.--3h., 5m., 40s. (American record), Johnstone.


Distance.--101 miles (American record), Johnstone.

Getaway.--26 ft., 9 in., Grahame-White.

Accuracy in landing.--5 ft., 4 in. (world's record), Johnstone.

Slow lap.--(3 laps), 13m., 48s., Brookins.

Division of Prizes.

Grahame-White.--Speed: first, $3,000; altitude: second, $2,000; duration: second, $1,000; distance: second, $1,000; getaway: first, $100; bomb-dropping: first, $5,000; Boston Globe special, $10,000. Total, $22,100.

Johnstone.--Duration: first, $2,000; distance: first, $2,000; slow lap, second, $500; accuracy: first, $500. Total, $5,000.

Brookins.--Altitude: first, $3,000; slow lap: first, $1,000; accuracy: second, $250 (cup). Total, $4,250.

Curtiss.--Speed: second, $2,000.

Willard.--Getaway: second, $50.

Prizes were also offered for amateurs in the following events: speed, duration, slow lap, and dropping bombs on dummy battleship. All of these were won by Clifford B. Harmon in a Farman biplane
