
New Courses for Second Half-Year

Classical Philology 35.--Boethius in his relations to Ancient and to Medieval Literature and Philosophy. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9. Professor E. K. Rand.

Classical Philology 36.--The Philippies of Demosthenes and of Cicero. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 11. Professor Morgan.

Classical Philology 51.--Roman Political Antiquities. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 9. Professor E. K. Rand.

Classical Philology 52.--The Comedies of Plautus. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 12. Professor Clifford H. Morse.

Classical Philology 58.--The Pastoral Epistles; and the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (Didache). Twice a week, Professor Ropes.


Comparative Literature 18.--Studies in the History of Allegory. Monday, Wednesday, and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Friday, at 10. Professor Neilson.

Comparative Literature 31b.--English Literature from 1600 to the Restoration, examined in the light of its English and Continental Origins. Tuesday, Thursday, at 11. Dr. H. deW. Fuller.

Economics 10.--Medieval Economic History of Europe, Monday, Wednesday, and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Friday, at 2.30. Dr. Gray.

Economics 24.--Problems of Municipal Ownership and Control in Europe and Australia. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, at 9. Dr. Holcombe.

Education 6b.--Educational Theory in the Early Nineteenth Century. -- Pestalozzi, Herbart and their Followers. The Influence of Pestalozzi, Froebel, and Herbart on the Development of Modern Schools. Tuesday, Thursday, at 2.30, and a third hour at the pleasure of the instructor. Mr. Holmes.

Engineering 11a.--Steam Machinery. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 11, and one afternoon. Professor Hollis, and Messrs. Markham and Macintire.

Engineering 16b.--Illumination and Photometry. Monday at 10; laboratory, two hours a week. Professors Kennelly and Clifford.

Engineering 16e.--Alternating-Current Machinery. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, at 11. Professor Clifford.

Engineering 16h.--Alternating-Current Machinery. Wednesday at 8.30; laboratory work, eight hours on Wednesday, Professor Adams and Mr. Tyng.

English 37.--The Story of King Arthur, Monday, Wednesday, and (at the pleasure of the instructor) Friday, at 11. Dr. Maynadier.
