About 35 taxicabs will be stationed at the Union at 2 o'clock for the use of any persons present at the dance. The minimum charge for the use of these taxicabs is $2, but if a greater amount than this is registered on the meter the occupants will be liable for the amount registered.
Senior and Junior members of the Union may obtain dance tickets at the door this evening on presentation of their Union membership cards and payment of $3.
Printed lists of the guests will be distributed at the door, giving occupants of all boxes. Some member of the committee will be in the Union all morning and afternoon to direct the placing of boxes, or to help in any way.
The following is the final list of box holders, boxes J and Q having been assigned to those men who have failed to apply for boxes:
W. P. Browne, R. Davis, W. A. Dennis, P. H. Foster, D. Munro, E. R. Squibb, G. S. Squibb, F. R. Titcomb, P. Ver Planck.
A. Gregg, W. M. Minot, P. D. Smith, A. Stevens, W. G. Taussig.
K. I. Bennett, R. Brunel, P. H. Bunker, F. R. Hancock, G. D. Howie, P. H. Smith.
A. Chase, G. Chase, F. F. Field, Jr., W. Fraser-Campbell, R. C. Floyd, R. S. Jowett, P. Rogers, A. Sweetser.
W. deF. Beal, W. A. Lawrence, H. C. Ross, O. T. Russell, W. S. Seamans, Jr., J. A. Sweetser, E. A. Winsor.
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