Last day for receiving applications for the Cheever, Hayden, and Aesculapian Club (Medical) Scholarships.
*LECTURE. "Geographical Features of Austria-Hungary." (With lantern illustrations.) Dr. Eugen Oberhummer, Professor of Geography at the University of Vienna. Geological Lecture Room, 11 A. M.
*HARVARD PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB. "The Ultimate Criterion of Right Conduct," Mr. E. T. Dana. Conant 23, 7.45 P. M.
HARVARD MATHEMATICAL CLUB. "Circular Point Transformations." Mr. Louis Brand. Common Room, Conant Hall, 8 P. M.
Thursday, December 1.
Last day for receiving applications for the Charles Eliot Norton Fellowship in Greek Studies for 1911-12.
Last day for receiving applications for aid from the Loan Fund.
**BOOK EXHIBIT IN THE COLLEGE LIBRARY. "Early Illustrated Books." Treasure Room, Gore Hall, 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. The exhibition will be continued on Friday and Saturday during the same hours. Open to the public in the afternoon only.
**LECTURE. "Romanticism in Music, from von Weber and Chopin to Berlioz and Schumann." (With musical illustrations.) Professor Friedlaender. New Lecture Hall, 4.30 P. M. Seats reserved for members of the University until five minutes before the beginning of the lecture.
Friday, December 2.
*UNIVERSITY TEA. Phillips Brooks House, 4 to 6 P. M. All members of the University are cordially invited.
**LECTURES ON HERDER AND GOETHE. II. "Der Erdgeist im Faust." Dr. Guenther Jacoby, Emerson J, 4.30 P. M.
*LECTURES ON PRAGMATISM. XII. "The Future of Pragmatism." Dr. H. M. Kallen. Emerson F, 4.30 P. M. Open to members of the University and of Radcliffe College.
*ZOOLOGICAL CLUB. "Correlation between the Length of the Digestive Tract of Fishes and the Kind of their Food." Mr. E. A. Boyden. Zoological Laboratory, 4th floor, Room 4, 4.45 P. M.
**LECTURES ON TOPICS IN PSYCHOLOGY. IV. "Seeing." Professor Yerkes. Emerson D, 8 P. M.
**READINGS FROM FRENCH DRAMATISTS. I. "Alkestis." Mr. Allard. Emerson J, 8 P. M.
**HARVARD DIVINITY SCHOOL. Preaching service. Mr. C. R. Johnson. Divinity Chapel, 8 P. M.