Measurers:--H. P. Lawless '13, W. H. Lacey '12, C. S. Whittier '11, G. Boyd '12.
Clerk of course:--P. Blair '12.
Assistant clerks of course:--L. Fleming, Jr., '13, R. C. Evarts '13.
Scorer:--R. B. Batchelder '13.
The following additional entries have been received:
120-yard high hurdles, T. N. Pfeiffer, 1 yd.; 100-yard dash, P. J. Stearns '13, 6 yds.; 220-yard dash, P. J. Stearns '13, 8 yds.; 880-yard run, W. B. Webster '11; pole vault, H. L. Moore 1L., 3 in.
The handicaps of the following men were wrong and have been changed.
100-yard dash, M. Steinhardt 1L., scratch; one-mile run, F. C. Byerly '11, scratch; R. Harding '11, 75 yds.; T. H. Lanman '12, 100 yds.; E. D. Smith '13, 25 yds.; two-mile run, F. C. Byerly '11, 50 yds.; F. W. Copeland '13, 100 yds.; G. R. Harding '11, 125 yds.; R. H. Rouse '12, 25 yds.; A. H. Whitman '11, 100 yds.