The Freshman Crew.
George Frederick Newton, Jr., of Cohasset, stroke, prepared for College at Noble's School, where he rowed on the school crew last year. He is 19 years old, weighs 173 pounds, and is 5 feet, 11 1-2 inches in height.
George Pierce Metcalf, of Providence, R. I., captain and seven, prepared for College at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., where he rowed two years on his club crew and one year on the school crew. He is 19 years old, weighs 173 pounds, and is 6 feet, 1 1-2 inches in height.
Alexander Strong, of New York, six, prepared for College at St. Mark's School, where he played on the baseball, football, and hockey teams. He is 19 years old, weighs 180 pounds, and is 6 feet, 2 inches in height.
Frederick Higginson, Jr., of Brookline, five, prepared for College at Noble's School, where he rowed on the school crew. He is 19 years old, weighs 176 pounds, and is 6 feet in height.
Freeland Huston Leslie, of Milton, four, prepared for College at Milton Academy, where he played on the school football team. He is 18 years old, weighs 174 pounds, and is 6 feet in height.
Gordon Henry Balch, of Laramie, Wyoming, three, prepared for College at Milton Academy, where he played on the school baseball and hockey teams. He is 19 years old, weighs 169 pounds, and is 5 feet, 11 inches in height.
Augustus Barrett Richardson, of Toledo, O., two, prepared for College at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., where he rowed on his club crew for two years and last year on the school crew. He is 19 years old, weighs 161 pounds, and is 5 feet, 10 1-2 inches in height.
John Gregory Wiggins, of Pomfret Centre, Conn., bow, prepared for College at Pomfret School, where he stroked the school crew for three years. He is 18 years old, weighs 145 pounds, and is 5 feet, 7 inches in height.
Huntington Pope Faxon, of Brookline, coxswain, prepared for College at Brookline High School, where he had three years' experience as a coxswain. He is 18 years old, weighs 115 pounds, and is 5 feet, 6 1-2 inches in height.
The Freshman Four-Oar.
James Cook Trumbull, of Salem, stroke, prepared for College at Middlesex School where he stroked the school four-oar for two years. He is 19 years old, weighs 139 pounds, and is 5 feet 7 1-2 inches in height.
John Hoar, of Concord, three, prepared for College at Middlesex School, where he had one year's experience in rowing. He is 19 years old, weighs 163 pounds, and is 5 feet, 11 inches in height.
Cooper Howell, of Philadelphia, two, prepared for College at St. Paul's School. Concord, N. H., where he had three years' experience in rowing. He is 21 years old, weighs 153-pounds, and is 5 feet, 8 inches in height.
Norman Leonard Anderson, of Milwaukee, Wis., bow, prepared for College at the West Division High School, Milwaukee. He is 20 years old, weighs 152 pounds, and is 6 feet, 1-2 inch in height.
Herman Moncrieff Voorhees, of Philadelphia, coxswain, prepared for College at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., where he had three years' experience as a coxswain. He is 20 years old, weighs 111 pounds, and is 5 feet, 6 inches in height.
Lawrence Dunlap Smith, of Chicago, Ill., substitute, prepared for College at Hill School, where he played on the school football and basketball teams. He is 19 years old, weighs 170 pounds, and is 5 feet, 11 inches in height.
Reginald Seabury Parker, of Cambridge, substitute, prepared for College at Cambridge Latin School, where he rowed last year on the school crew. He is 21 years old, weighs 160 pounds, and is 6 feet in height