

Records Broken in Mile, Two-Mile and Pole-Vault.

The Field Events.

The shot-put was the first event on the program to be completed. Krueger or Swarthmore was thought to be secure in first place with a distance of 45 feet, 3 1-2 inches, but Little of Harvard on the last of his six chances made the best put of his career, breaking ground 2 inches over the 46 foot mark. Krueger had one trial left in which to regain his position, but he fell short by a considerable distance. Horner of Michigan and Talbott of Cornell both improved upon their Friday's performances, but their relative positions remained unchanged. Coy of Yale stayed in fifth place.

All five of the high-jumpers did better than on the day before and cleared 5 feet, 11 1-4 inches. As no one could clear the next height, 6 feet, 1-2 inch, the 11 points were divided, giving 2 1-5 to each man.

The first two places in the hammer-throw came out as was expected. Talbott was unable to get off one of his best throws and his distance was only 3 feet, 7 1-2 inches ahead of that made by Horr of Syracuse. Goebel of Yale showed more improvement on the second day than did his team-mate Andrus and defeated sullivan of Cornell for third by 2 feet, 5 1-2 inches.

The relative standing in the broad jump underwent considerable change Saturday. Mayhew of Brown, who was first on Friday, ended in fourth place, and Nixon of Cornell dropped from second to fifth. Kilpatrick of Yale, who was in fifth place Friday, jumped 22 feet, 3-4 inch, and held first place until the last round, when Cook of Cornell won with a jump of 22 feet, 6 1-4 inches. Kilpatrick narrowly escaped being defeated for second place by Babcock of Columbia, whose best jump was 22 feet, 1-4 inch.


Campbell Broke Pole-Vault Record.

The record in the pole-vault was again raised, this time to 12 feet, 3 1-4 inches. In every intercollegiate meet for a number of years the record in this event has been beaten and it is hardly likely that the present mark will remain for any length of time. Of the six men who cleared 12 feet, 1 1-8 inches, Friday, Campbell of Yale was the only one to reach the new mark. Nelson of Yale failed to repeat his performance of the dual meet and tied with Barr of Harvard at 12 feet. Cook of Cornell and Pickles of Pennsylvania were not so fortunate as the day before and dropped out after 11 feet, 6 inches, tieing for fourth place.

The summary:

Track Events.


First semi-final heat--Won by R. C. Craig (M.); second, W. L. Dawbarn (P.); third, A. L. Kelley, Jr., (W.). Time, 10s.

Second semi-final heat--Won by R. C. Foster (H.); second, G. W. Minds (P.); third, R. A. Gamble (Pr.). Time, 10s.

Final heat--Won by R. C. Foster (H.); second, R. C. Foster (H.); second, R. C. Craig (M.); third, G. W. Minds (P.); fourth, W. L. Dawbarn (Pr.). Time, 10 1-5s.


First semi-final heat--Won by R. C. Foster (H.); second, E. C. Newell (P.); third, R. A. Gamble (Pr.). Time. 22 3-5s.10HOWE PASSING GARDNER IN THE LOW HURDLES.
