Last day for receiving manuscripts of competitors for the Lloyd McKim Garrison Prize.
**LECTURES ON THE CONTEMPORARY GERMAN DRAMA. "Hauptmann und Sudermann." III. Professor Kuehnemann. Emerson J, 11 A.M.
PATHOLOGICAL COLLOQUIUM. "Silver Staining Spirocheta-like Bodies in Chronic Broncho-Pneumonia of Rats." Dr. E.E. Tyzzer. "On the Use of Fresh Rabbit Serum in Hemorrhagic Conditions." Dr. W.P. Lucas. Library of Pathological Department, Building D, Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 4 P.M. Open to members of the University and to physicians.
**MUNICIPAL CLUB. "The Present Drift of Charters." Mr. Robert Treat Paine. Jr. Emerson J, 4.30 P.M.
*ZOOLOGICAL CLUB. "Some of the Methods of Combating Gypsy and Brown-Tail Moths." Professor Mark, Zoological Laboratory, 4th floor, Room 4, 4.45 P.M.
LIBRARY EXHIBITION. "Classical Manuscripts." Professor Clifford H. Moore will speak at 7.30 P.M. Treasure Room of the College Library, 7 to 9.30 P.M. The exhibition will remain open on Friday, April 16, from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M., and Professor Moore will repeat his remarks at 4 o'clock. Open to the public in the afternoon on application at the desk in the Delivery Room.
*LECTURE. "Present Industrial Conditions." Hon. James Logan, of Worcester, Mass. Emerson A, 8 P.M.
Friday, April 16.
**LECTURES ON THE ETHICS OF ZIONISM. V. "The Moral Function of Zionism." Dr. H.M. Kallen. Emerson F, 4.30 P.M.
*PHILOSOPHICAL CLUB. Meeting postponed from April 9. 2 Gorham street, 7.45 P.M. Open to members of the University who are interested in Philosophy.
*LECTURE. "Competition of the Fa- ture." Hon. James Logan, of Worcester, Mass. Emerson A, 8 P.M.
**LECTURES ON IDEALS OF DEMOCRACY. III. "Aesthetic Ideals." Mr. G. Lowes Dickinson, of King's College, Cambridge. Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, 8 P.M.
*DIVINITY SCHOOL. Service with Preaching. Mr. E.H. Oxiey. Divinity Chapel, 8 P.M.
Saturday, April 17.
**LECTURES ON THE CONTEMPORARY GERMAN DRAMA. "Hauptmann und Sudermann." IV. Professor Kuehnemann. Emerson J, 11 A.M.
*EXERCISES IN ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY. II. Dr. Edwin Katzenellenbogen. Danvers Insane Hospital, Hathorne, 4 P.M. Train leaves North Station, Boston, at 2.47 P.M.
**LECTURE. "Good and Evil Results of Athletics. Dr. Edward H. Nichols. Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston, 8 P.M