The third of the Noble lectures dealing with "The Ethics of Christ," was given by the Rev. H.C. King, D.D., LL.D., last night in the Fogg Lecture Room, the special subject being, "The Ethical Teaching in Mark, and in the Other Common Source, 'Q,' of Matthew and Luke; Oldest Sources."
The common source, "Q," of Matthew and Luke makes three points especially clear, Jesus' seriousness of life, his emphasis on forgiveness, and the difference between his teaching and that of the Pharisees. "Q" also brings out the sympathetic and forgiving tenderness of Jesus. The third emphasis that we find in the document is the seriousness of life. The call of Jesus is no easy-going one, but one of heroism and difficulties.
In examining Mark we find that Jesus' method was to choose men of the right spirit and then hide them in the lump of society that they might leaven the whole. His law was that of the contagion of life.
Mark next brings out the revolutionary character of Jesus teaching. He shows that this new inward spirituality cannot be put into old forms, and as an illustration gives us the parable of the old wine skins. "The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath"; that is, institutions were made solely for efficiency and not as an end in them selves.
The fourth of the Noble lectures will be given by Dr. King, Monday at 8 o'clock in the Fogg Lecture Room. The special subject will be "The Estimate of the Ethical Teaching in the Sayings of Jesus Peculiar to Either Matthew or Luke."
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