
Interclass Swimming Meet Tonight

The annual interclass swimming meet will be held in the Dunster tank this evening at 8 o'clock. An admission charge of 25 cents will be collected at the Holyoke street entrance.

The program will be as follows: 200-yard relay race, 220-yard swim, 100-yard swim, 50-yard dash, a fancy diving contest, and a water-polo game. Silver cups will be awarded to the winner of each event and to the winning relay team. Entries in all events except the relay race and the water-polo game may be made at the meet.

The four class relay teams are entered as follows:

Seniors--A. E. Manheimer, B. A. Merriam, W. B. Richards, P. Withington.

Juniors--T. G. Aspinwall, R. F. Hoyt, T. Lynes, J. P. Rice.


Sophomores--E. Angell, R. W. Cutler, F. King, L. Withington.

Freshmen--T. W. Barnes, W. C. Codman, J. R. Desha, B. Pitman.

Two teams for the water-polo game will be chosen at the tank this evening.
