
Light Signal Practice at Ithaca

Ithaca, N. Y., November 4, 1909.--After a short, light signal practice in the rain, the university squad of thirty players, with coaches, managers and trainers, left on the 6.18 train for Boston. The party is due to arrive at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and will stop at the Hotel Lenox. The team will probably hold a light practice on Soldiers Field tomorrow afternoon. All the men are in good condition.

The line-up today was: l.e., Teagle; l.t., Stude; l.g., Donnan; c., Seagrave; r.g., Delano; r.t., Weekes; r.e., Crosby; q.b., Baker; l.h.b., Tydeman; r.h.b., Hoffman; f.b., Simson.
