"The Intoxicated Ghost," by A. Bates.
"Letters from Shelley to Elizabeth Hitchener," by P. B. Shelley.
"Life and Letters of John Greenleaf Whittier," by S. T. Pickard.
"Literature and the American Colleges," by I. Babbitt '89.
"Ludwig the Second, King of Bavaria," by C. Tschudi, translated by E. H. Hearn.
"Maker of Moons," by R. W. Chambers.
"Monologues," by B. Herford.
"The Mother of the Man," by E. Philpotts.
"The New Plato," by T. L. Masson.
"An Ode to Harvard, and other poems," by H. W. Bynner '02.
"Official Register, Reports of President and Treasurer of Harvard University (1906-07)."
"The Passing of Morocco," by F. Moore.
"The Power of Play," by B. Perry.
"The Primadonna," by F. M. Crawford.
"The Religion of a Democrat," by C. Zeublin.
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