Tug of war (finals).
Outdoor Events.
45-yds. high hurdles (open only to men who have never hurdled before).
45-yds. high hurdles (handicaps).
Two-mile cross country race.
This order of events shows a slight change from that of last year. The novice high jump and the novice shot-put have been omitted, and the wheelbarrow race added. Blue-books have been placed in the Gymnasium, and all are urged to sign as soon as possible, and to see Mr. Lathrop at once.
Practice should be started at once, as it is necessary for the dormitory relay teams to be made up soon. The three legged race and the wheelbarrow race especially need considerable practice.
In the interdormitory relay races each team will be composed of six men, each of whom will run two laps of 130 yards. The races will be run in heats of two teams each, and the team winning the final race will have possession for one year of the cups offered by the Track and Field Club. Last year the Holyoke relay team won the final heat and has therefore held the cup during the past year.
Further plans in regard to entries and relay teams will be published later.